Who are The Perris Organizers?
We are a group of experienced skydivers who want to make your experience at the
Perris Valley Skydiving Center2091 Goetz Rd. Perris, CA 92570-9315 U.S.A
second to none.
We want to make sure you feel a part of the best DZ on the planet. We all have funneled the base, taken out 100-way + formations single-handedly, landed on other organizers, and gone low... way low! We tell you this because we want you to know that no matter how many or how few jumps you have, we want to jump with you!
We create formation skydives for everyone. Whether it’s a two-way to work on getting that exit stable, or diving practice for the next record event, we can help. The Perris Organizers have thousands of jumps and loads of experience. We video most of our jumps and de-brief most jumps to help your skills improve.
Our awesome Organizing staff is friendly, good looking and we smell good too (some of us)!
Here’s the best part, its all FREE! All you have to do it show up ask for an RW Perris Organizer and you will be included. The Perris Organizers are available on weekends and most weekdays. Come skydive with us, you’ll be glad you did!
We are a group of experienced skydivers who want to make your experience at the
Perris Valley Skydiving Center2091 Goetz Rd. Perris, CA 92570-9315 U.S.A
second to none.
We want to make sure you feel a part of the best DZ on the planet. We all have funneled the base, taken out 100-way + formations single-handedly, landed on other organizers, and gone low... way low! We tell you this because we want you to know that no matter how many or how few jumps you have, we want to jump with you!
We create formation skydives for everyone. Whether it’s a two-way to work on getting that exit stable, or diving practice for the next record event, we can help. The Perris Organizers have thousands of jumps and loads of experience. We video most of our jumps and de-brief most jumps to help your skills improve.
Our awesome Organizing staff is friendly, good looking and we smell good too (some of us)!
Here’s the best part, its all FREE! All you have to do it show up ask for an RW Perris Organizer and you will be included. The Perris Organizers are available on weekends and most weekdays. Come skydive with us, you’ll be glad you did!